Veliko Turnovo, July 31 2015
The last day of the already traditional (seventh edition) summer advocacy camp of Roma medical students. It is a week in which students communicate informally and learn new things – about field work, social dimensions of medicine, vulnerable groups. At noon in front of the Municipality was the peak of the week - a great show, presented by the participants in the Program for Roma Students in Medical Universities and Colleges in front of the Municipality with message boxes accompanied by the sound of Ravel’s “Bolero”. “Help others!”, “”We” is more than “you and I””, “To be good makes a man great” – those are only part of the messages. Afterwards – already inside the Municipality building - a round table was organized by the “Amalipe” centre, on the problems of the healthcare system in the towns and rural communities. The students shared observations and experience from their field work. Three до шге student mentors – Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova and Dr. Krasimir Romanov from BFPA, and Dr. Mariela Kamburova from Pleven Medical University took active part in the meeting.
In the evening students presented themselves in another non-traditional role – in three theater sketches on health issues – about the doctor-patient relationship. Ewe wish success to the students and we hope they will find their professional realization in Bulgaria.
Here is a link to the performance: