Kuala Lumpur May 28-30th
The world forum on women’s reproductive health and women’s rights through the eyes of Maya Kumanova, chair of IPPF’s youth network – YSAFE
Between 28 and 30th May in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the third Women Deliver conference was held. Women Deliver is a global advocacy organization which aims to gain political and financial support in its struggle for improving women’s rights and reproductive health and in particular, to put into effect the fifth article of the present Millennium Development Goals which concerns improvement of mothers’ health through universal access to reproductive health and services.
As a long-term BFPA and IPPF’s European youth network - YSAFE volunteer, I was fortunate to receive a grant to participate in Women Deliver and be included among the top 100 young leaders of the conference. The grant also included a two-month long course on the subject. The online course, based on the Schoology platform, contained weekly topics, discussions and tasks and serves as a good example how social networks and contemporary technology can be used for comprehensive and accessible education. This is a method, well-known to BFPA and was used in the H-CUBE project and the construction of a digital e-learning platform for health educators and in particular for educating teachers, health specialists and health mediators on issues concerning HIV, hepatitis B and C.