BFPA Executive Director Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova received the Sign of Honour of the President of Bulgaria
Sofia, November 20 2014
The Sign of Honour of the President of Bulgaria for exceptional merit and contribution to protecting the rights of children in Bulgaria was awarded to Dr Radosveta Stamenkova. The ceremony was held in the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the ratification of the UN Convention of the Rights of Children in 1989. At the official ceremony on November 20, 2014, the President Rosen Plevneliev awarded with a Presidential Sign of Honour 24 activists and UNICEF – Bulgaria. “I am very happy to receive the Sign of Honour. I feel really in a very good company with my colleagues and friends. This is a recognition for our day-to-day hard and difficult work.” – Dr. Stamenkova shared
 Sofia, October 17-18 2014 BFPA is also not an exception - we actively collaborate with NNHM and work side by side wih them across Bulgaria. At the moment there are more than 150 health mediators working all over the country - from the larger quarters of the bigger cities, to the smalleest rural settlements, for a salary almost as low as the minimum wage, but with professionalism, care and motivation. Fragments of their work can be seen in this video. The poster for the "We are not an exception" campaign - just a few faces of the over 200 roma medical students - doctors, pharmacists, nurses, obstericians, lab workers.... they are not an exception. We are not an exception! We have observed the development of these young people for quite some time. Most of them grew before our eyes. They are not an exception. Look upon them with unprejudiced eyes and if you can, help so that there can be more like them. They are young Roma - medical students, pharmacy students, future obstetricians, nurses and presently - health mediators. They are not an exception, believe, open your senses! See the video for the WE ARE NOT AN EXCEPTION campaign - Roma medical students and mediators fighting the stereotype that sucessful Roma youth are an exception.
Training for specialists working with young people with disabilities
Expert Visit and Three-day Training on Quality of Management for Professionals Working with Young People with Learning Disabilities
 Kazanlak, August 12-14, 2014 Project Keep me Safe / DJ Justice DAPHNE 3 Program / DAPHNE – JUST/2012/DAP/AG/3092 “Keep me Safe”, co-funded by the EC Daphne III Program. ( Training on quality of management for professionals working with people with learning disabilities was carried out by Perdita Wingerter from German nongovernment organization Pro Familia in August 12, 13 and 14 in Kazanlak. The teams of Center for Social Support and Day Center for Children with disabilities in the town participated in the initiative, organized by Bulgarian Family Planning Association (BFPA) and Future for children with disabilities Association.
Annual meeting of BFPA
Starosel, August 1-3, 2014
BFPA staff from Sofia and the country branches together with key volunteers from the main target groups of the organization gathered on the organization annual retreat for discussing current projects, ideas for different activities and new possibilities of fundraising. Part of the time participants divided themselves in three thematic groups – work with vulnerable communities, young people and youth initiatives, HIV/AIDS prevention. Best practices, as well difficulties and challenges in the work of the central and regional offices were analyzed. The discussed new paces of work are: ways of enrichment the knowledge of teenagers on reproductive health, prevention of prevalence of HIV/AIDS in penitentiaries, as well as preventing sexual abuse and violence among and against children and youth in institutions. Progress on these and other ongoing activities can be followed in our site.
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