Some main accents from the project The Art to Inform at the end of the year
 Sofia, December 15 2014
"Work must go not only with institutions, but also at entrance and exit levels, in order to not loose connection and common sense" – this is only one of the bunch of messages that we took with us after the training for specialists form North Bulgaria, part of the activities for 2014 on the project “The Art to Inform - A network for reducing vulnerability of children for sexual exploitation and abusive practices”, financed by the OAK Foundation. The activities for 2014 ended with two trainings. Trainers were Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova and Ventzislav Kirkov from the central BFPA office in Sofia. The first event took place in Stara Zagora on Nov 26 and 27 and in it participated specialists from pedagogical and socio-pedagogical schools, temporary residence homes and homes for children without parental care from South Bulgaria. The seminar for specialists from pedagogical and socio-pedagogical schools, family-type residence homes and homes for children without parental care from North Bulgaria happened two weeks later in Ruse on December 11 and 12. The efforts of the trainers were supported by the local coordinators of the Association – in Stara Zagora by Dr. Boryana Parashkevova and in Ruse – by Kina Velcheva.
Final Meeting in Madrid on Keep me Safe
 Sofia, December 15 2014
The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) participated in the final event on Keep me Safe project, coordinated by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and co-financed by European Commission (DJ Justice – Program Daphne III). The meeting took place in Madrid on December 11-12, 2014 and aimed to consolidate the participants from all partnership organizations, associated members of International Planned Parenthood Federation, implementing activities on project. At the end of the sessions conclusions and recommendations connected with young people with learning disabilities were formulated to be presented to European authorities. More than 30 participants representing different organizations working on family planning as well institutions working for the rights of people with disabilities or policy makers took participation at the event. Bulgaria was represented by the project coordinator Ralitsa Zgalevska from BFPA, the chief expert in International Relationships Department of the Ministry of Health Anna Temelkova, the Chair of Future for Children with Disabilities Association and Director of Center of Social Rehabilitation and Integration in Kazanlak Maria Gineva and the Chairman of National Association of Resource Teachers in Bulgaria and Director of Resource Center in Sofia Kaloyan Damyanov.
Keep me Safe: „Adequate health messages and prevention of sexual abuse for young people with learning disabilities” – training for specialists
December 2 2014 The activities of BFPA on Keep me Safe project – a two-year European initiative, coordinated by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and co-financed by European Commission (DJ Justice – Program Daphne III) – are in their final stage. The last three seminars took place in Sofia (13–14), Lovech (20–21) and Sliven (24–25 November 2014) respectively for health mediators from different areas in the country, parents, resource teachers and specialists of the region and the towns. Nine workshops under the title “Adequate health messages and prevention of sexual abuse for young people with learning disabilities” for intermediaries in the country took place on the project Keep me Safe. Methods and techniques for working with young people with learning disabilities have been presented to support the understanding and realizing the importance the knowledge to reach successfully to them and in the same time to support them successfully to prevent themselves against sexual abuse. More than 282 intermediaries working with people with special educational needs and parents were trained.
World AIDS day
 Sofia, December 1 2014
Over 90% of the newly registered HIV-positive people in Bulgaria have been infected via sexual way of transmission, according to the National Programme for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health data. As of 21 November 2014, since the beginning of this year 195 newly infected with HIV have been registered which makes the total for Bulgaria 2025 HIV officially registered. In the last years the tendency of one infected woman per three infected men is maintained. This year again ¾ of the newly-infected are men and ¼ - women. By means of transmission 48% have been infected during heterosexual contacts, 42% - during homo/bisexual contact and 10% by intravenous drug use. It’s important to note that the percent of HIV infected IDUs continues to drop. And unfortunately approximately 27% of the newly-registered infected persons are below the age of 29.
Final Evaluation Visit in Bulgaria on Keep me Safe
Sofia, November 18-20 2014 John Clark, external evaluation expert on Keep me Safe project, and Anna Michalowicz, regional Communications Advisor IPPF En, were in the office of Bulgarian Association for Family Planning on 18 and 19 November 2014. On 20 November together with Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova, Daniela Dikova and Ralitsa Zgalevska from BFPA both visited the town of Lovech.
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