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Training of the new health mediators from the Class of 2015

Graduation examSofia,  March 25 2015

On March 20, 2015 started the training of the new class of Roma health mediators. 26 people from 20 municipalities have successfully passed the local concourses and are now a part of the health mediation program. The training course, as in previous years, is taking place at the public health faculty of Sofia Medical University (MU) in the premises of “Tzaritza Yoanna” hospital in Sofia. The training is organized for a fourth consecutive year by the National Network of Health Mediators (NNHM) in partnership with MU- Sofia. The trainers for the health mediation program – experts of Ethnic Minorities’ Health Problems Foundation (EMHPF) and BFPA (BFPA team is represented this year again by Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova and Ventzislav Kirkov) – are highly qualified and experienced experts, and also long-term partners. In addition to their effort comes the expertise of the professors from the Medical University.

BFPA is part of a three year international initiative of “Medecins du monde", supported by EU

Participants' logosBFPA collageAmsterdam, February 26-28  2015

Actually worldwide there are over 700 billion of women that got married before the age of 18, and the major part of cases are of young girls under 16. The victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in the world for 2014 exceed four and a half million. Migrants and refugees in the developed countries have difficult access to health care. Addressing these problems and other relevant issues are at the basis of a three years project on preventing vulnerabilities in health, in which BFPA will be the Bulgarian partner. The project is a multi-national initiative with leading partner “Medecins du Monde”. One of the main ideas of the concept is in changing the approach – from vulnerable groups to vulnerabilities in health in all dimensions. 


MFA and the Bulgarian Platform for International Development signеd a two-years Cooperation Agreement

BPID membersSigningSofia, February 10 2015

Today on February 10 2015 the Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov and the President of the Bulgarian Platform for International Development Ventzislav Kirkov signed a two-years Cooperation Agreement between MFA and BPID. For us at BFPA it is a double occasion for celebration - on one side as BPID founding member and on another due to the fact that BFPA Program Manager, who is the President of BPID, signed the contract. A lot of efforts lead to this very moment! Representatives of the NGOs members of the Platform, the team of MFA Directorate “UN and global issues” and mediaSpeech representatives took part in the Signingevent.

As a EU member state Bulgaria has obligations in the field of the development cooperation, which we are striving to fulfil despite the challenges that arise from the economical crisis and the limited budget funds for development policies. In this joint effort the non-government sector is our key partner without which development policy cannot be fully formulated and implemented.


BFPA takes part in the European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

Campaign coloursSofia,  January 25-31 2015

Annually about 60,000 women get infected, and 30,000 die from cervical cancer in Europe. The total number of women with cervical cancer in our continent is over 225,000. It is important to know that the incidence of cervical cancer varies widely, and in some countries in Eastern Europe, it is two to five times higher than in the old EU member states (EU-15). These differences are largely due to the presence or absence of prevention and screening programs.The cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and is a sexually transmitted infection. Infection can be prevented - in Bulgaria cervical cancer vaccine is available since 2012 for all girls aged 12 as part of the National immunization calendar.  According to data from MoH, since the beginning of the campaign until December 31 2014,  over 13 000 12 year-old girls have been vaccinated against cervical cancer.


Health messages and prevention of sexual abuse for young people with disabilities. Trainings in Dolni Dabnik and Sliven

Logo December 22 2014

The psychologists Milena Rachovska from Asen Kiselinchev Boarding School in Dolni Dabnik and Raya Popova from Vlasaki Shumanov Boarding School in Sliven made educational sessions on topics using the knowledge and materials given by BFPA.
Both of them were participants in workshops of BFPA: on project for young people with chronicle illnesses and physical disabilities, for which BFPA is working with Dutch organization and expert center in the area of sexuality and reproductive health and rights with the central office in Utreht, the Netherlands – Rutgers WPF
, and on Keep me Safe project financed by DAFNE Programme of European Commission.

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Latest news

BFPA survey about positive birth-rate measures

Sofia, December 5, 2022 

The Bulgarian Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health (BFPA) presented the results of a nationally representative survey conducted by KANTAR. The study took place in August 2022, among a sample of 836 people from the adult population and analyzed the measures that would positively affect the birth rate.

You can find the full research here

Final conference on ARIE project: PLHIV and fitness

Sofia, November 11, 2022

On November 11, 2022, the final conference of the ARIE project was held in Sofia. The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Sport program, led by the long-standing Italian partner of BFPA ANLAIDS – Lombardia. The rest of the participating organizations are from Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. The activities are aimed at people living with HIV (PLHIV), the goal of the project is to develop and introduce a fitness program and an activity protocol for people living with HIV. In Bulgaria the project was coordinated by Boyan Mladenov from the BFPA team. Among the participants of the conference were health specialists, professors from medical universities, NGO partners, representatives of the target group. From the Bulgarian side the most outstanding was the presentation of Prof. Radka Argirova “HIV,Covid and Monkeypox - what more we have to know”
The project aims to promote physical activity in the form of personalized guidelines among people between the ages of 18 and 50 who are living with HIV and who are on treatment, offering an innovative fitness protocol to engage them in moderate physical activity.
This is the first project in Europe specifically targeting people living with HIV and fitness to promote a healthy lifestyle and add fitness protocols to HIV therapy.

Presentation of the results of a regional study and recommendations for SRH services in the European Parliament - project "Youth Voices, Youth Choices"

Brussels, October 26, 2022

In the last months of 2022 the partners of the YVYC project, together with experts and young people, developed recommendations for regional policy recommendations for improvement of health and social systems and SRHR services for young people after the Covid 19 pandemic.
The recommendations are targeting decision-makers at international and national institutions.  They were presented in the European Parliament on October 26, 2022 by young advocates and experts, with the support of MEP Fred Matic. Three BFPA representatives - Victoria Nikolova, Venelin Stoychev and Pavlina Filipova participated in the EP meeting.
