Petrohan, April 12-14, 2019
In the three days between April 12 and 14 took place the second module of the preparation of peer educators from the Health and Sexuality Education Youth Academy, realized with the support of the PIST directorate of Sofia Municipality. The focus of the second stage of education was upon elaboration of communication skills, teambuilding and team work, acquiring of knowledge about the prevention of trafficking of human beings, knowledge of hygiene as a starting point to peer education, adopting healthy eating habits and preventing eating disorders, work with vulnerable groups. In addition to health knowledge, the future peer educators acquired also social and personal ones – how to define one’s personal space – useful when working with young people with disabilities, and how to plan their own free time.
The young educators from 1st, 144th, 119th schools, 1st ELS and PSTFD participated in a number of interactive exercises, the most emotional of which was “One minute of fame” – evaluation of their ability to present what they learned in front of an audience and in video recording. Everyone did very well without exceptions despite their concerns and proved they are intelligent, motivated and have learned well the material from the previous module in BRC’s base in Lozen. And the most valuables remain the shred knowledge and the built friendship.
The educators were Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova, Ventzislav Kirkov and Boyan Mladenov from BFPA, Peter Tzintzarski from the MoH, Anina Chileva from NCPHA. We were supported by the PIST directorates. We expect the next, third module with the trainees and their teachers.