Sofia, April 20 2015

The future activities were presented by Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova from BFPA and the external key experts involved in the project – the virologist Prof. Radka Argirova, the lawyer Ivana Murdjeva and the chairman of the "Hope against AIDS" Milen Chavrov. Daniela Dikova, Julia Drenska, Ventsislav Kirov and Ralitsa Zgalevska from BFPA, Elena Yankova and Iglika Kristeva from "Initiative for Health", specialists from the Medical Institute of the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Interior Hospital, representatives of General Directorate “Execution of Sentences” took participation in the launch. The Deputy Head of Mission Carina Ekornes and the liaison officer of the Nordic countries Linda Ervik from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Sofia were our special guests at the event.
The project aims to improve the health status of persons serving sentence of "imprisonment" and detainees through provision of services and information to improve health awareness of vulnerable communities in prisons. The main focus of activities is on blood transmitted infections: HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. BFPA will rely on its many years of experience in providing voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV and hepatitis. Project duration is 14 months (March 2015– April 2016).
The project will contribute also for raising the legal competence of convicts and detainees. The staff in prisons is especially important for the implementation of the initiative. The activities planned are targeted mainly to two groups – prisoners and staff. The activities include organizing workshops on specific issues concerning health and patients rights. Manuals containing analysis and advices for more efficient work related to the health of convicts and detainees are also to be issued. National information campaign on topics is another part of the project.
The initiative creates a model for working in penitentiary institutions, which could meet the needs for prevention in the field of HIV and hepatitis, especially concerning the fact that the program of the Global Fund against AIDS is withdrawing from the county.
Pictures from the launch:
This publication is created with financial support from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. The entire responsibility for the contents of the document is of BFPA and under no circumstances can be assumed that this document presents official opinion of the Programme Operator or the donor.