From 25th to 28th March, an international training, related to the modern internet communications, called ‘New Media Training’, took part in Skopje. The event was organized by H.E.R.A. (, a Macedonian organization, a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), with the participation of Marie-Agnes Lenoir, Senior Communications Advisor at IPPF ENRO. The training’s purpose was to improve the online communicational skills of the IPPF representatives from Latvia, Lithuania, Tajikistan and Bulgaria. Our representatives were Zornitsa Chuchumisheva, coordinator of the branch in Pleven, and Ralitsa Hristova, peer educator at Bulgarian Planned Parenthood Federation (BPPF).
‘New Media Training’s organizers analyzed the most popular social networks that could be suitable for communicating SRHR messages. Besides Facebook (Bulgaria is the number one ranked country in the use of Facebook among all participants), other channels like Twitter, YouTube and Foursquare were also analysed. A guest lecturer, one of the most popular Macedonian bloggers, paid special attention to the advantages of blogging, especially when serious social or health problems are being concerned.
During the four-day training, the participants were put in situations that demanded the use of different internet channels in order to transmit messages. The training emphasized the possibilities, offered by Twitter as a less popular social network in the participating countries. The organizers had prepared special simulations that posed real-life situations and problems to the participants who could stumble upon such problems at any time during their work.
After the completion of the training, each organization has to design and implement a plan of action for the following months, using what they have learned in Skopje. It is particularly important to develop different online communication channels in order to get to more people. The results will be submitted and summarized in November.