Round table and project kick off by MHAT Kubrat and EMHPF
Kubrat, November 13-15 2015
On Nov 13 the Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment (MHAT) in Kubrat and the Ethnic Minorities’ Health Problems Foundation (EMHPF) launched with a round table at the MHAT’s hall their project, financed by the NFM and MoH. The event was moderated by Dr. Niogyar Djafer, with the participation of Prof. Ivailo Turnev and Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova from BFPA. The project will be implemented in 7 municipalities of the Razrad region until April 2017 and its focus will be on reproductive health and vulnerable groups. Right after that, on Nov 14 and 15, took place the training of trainers for the teams that will implement the activities in situ. On behalf of BFPA project consultants will be Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova and Ventzislav Kirkov who will support MHPF’s field activities. In order to help with the work, BFPA supplied the team members with printed materials, all highly appreciated by the trainees, especially the SRH educational magnetic board.
Regional meeting of Health Mediators
Blagoevgrad, October 16-17 2015
On October 16 and 17 the Third Regional work meeting of the National Network of Health Mediators Association took place in Blagoevgrad. 26 healthg mediators from the Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Dupnitza,Sofia-city, Sofia-region and Pernik regions participated in the event. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to sharing of experience, difficulties and achievements among the health mediators from the different populated areas and regions. The mediators themselves pointed out as an example of a successful experience the work as “hospital mediators” in the Samokov and Blagoevgrad hospitals.
EU funded actions: rules, laws and best practices in the field of fraud prevention
Rome, 8-9 Ooctober 2015
"EU funded actions: rules, laws and best practices in the field of fraud prevention” this is the title of the conference, organized by our partner in three european projects in the field of health prevention - the Italian Associasione ISES, in which BFPA ED DR. Stamenkova took part. Our colleagues Carmine Falanga and Dolores Forgione, with whom we have worked on preventing the prevalence of HIV, Hepatitis B and C and HPV, share their work experience with different European experts from different government instituitions, auditing firms and NGO partners in another field of prevention - fraud, conflict of interests, corruption, embezzlement and many more important topics, related to the work of OLAF - the European Anti-Fraud Office.
Violence against children is preventable
 Sofia, September 24-25 2015
Child maltreatment is a hidden form of violence in the Region: 90% goes undetected / WHO Europe Regional meeting of partners from East Europe, supported by OAK Foundation on programme preventing violence against children took place in 24 and 25 September 2015 in Sofia. Main accent on the agenda of the forum was the role of health and educational system supporting prevention of violence. Lectures and representatives of NGOs from UK, Switzerland, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria took participation. Some of the organizations presented good practices from own experience; the event gave opportunity for sharing ideas, difficulties and possible solutions for more successful work against child abuse.
Child Rights Capacity Building Training
 Sofia, September 7-9 2015
The second interactive training organized by OAK Foundation for NGO grantees from East Europe took place in 7-9 September in Vitosha Park Hotel, Sofia. BFPA is among the 15 organizations included in the project taking participation in the child rights capacity building initiative. A pilot group of NGOs is being trained in parallel from the region of East Africa. This year the project is enlarging including into the training two new groups of organizations from the same regions. From 2014 the NGOs from Bulgaria, Latvia, Moldova and Poland are working in a network and uniting their efforts in developing strategies and visions concerning six main principles for working with children.
From the Roma for the Roma
Dolna Banya, August 21-23 2015  For three days – August 21st to 23rd the Roma medical students proved in practice that field work may not be easy but an unbreakable team made up of a health mediator, a freshly graduated nurse, and a future doctor and a future dentist can perform miracles – in the Roma neighborhood as well as in the institutions for children. The campaign was implemented in Dolna Banya under the project “Health is in our hands. Prevention of diseases with a social impact”, with the support of the Roma Health Scholarship Small Scale Projects Grant of the Roma Education Fund. In the implementation of the project took part medical students from the Medica University – Sofia and the health mediator of the Dolna Banya municipality. During the three-day campaign the team visited two Roma neighborhoods and the “Konstanza Lyapcheva” Home for children without parental care. The health education on healthy teeth, prevention of diabetes, high blood pressure and Hepatitis A was accompanied by blood pressure and blood sugar screening as well as by handing out of sanitary and hygienic supplies to representatives of the target groups.
Sustainability Index of Bulgarian NGOs for 2014
Sofia, August 4 2015
The Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit Law presented at the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA) the NGO Sustainability Index for Bulgaria for 2014. Part of the event was Rumyana Bachvarova – vice-prime minister and minister of the interior. Bulgaria has a 3.3 quotient and falls into the “developing sustainability” category and is at the 8th position regionally. The “champion” of 2014 is Estonia, which together with 5 other countries – Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania is under the “stable sustainability” category. The NGO community is at a decline in the categories legal environment, advocacy and social prestige and on the rise in the categories organizational capacity, infrastructure and financial stability, as the progress of the last indicator is mainly due to external financing programmes like the Norwegian financial mechanism and the Swiss programme.
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