Commemorating April 8th – the day for commemorating the Roma who died during the Holocaust
Sofia, April 7-8 2016
On April 7–8 – the day of commemoration of the Roma who died during the Holocaust, the Roma medical students and their mentors gathered for a meeting in Sofia, organized by the Open Society Institute. The meeting started with the launch of the short film “Dreamroads”, showing a snapshot of the RHSP in Bulgaria. The film was shot at the end of August during the advocacy camp of the students in Veliko Turnovo. You can see students, their mentors and some events from the main components of the program – scholarship, mentorship, advocacy and media publicity. BFPA is one of the organizations that supported the making and dissemination of the film - you can see our logo at the end. Under the article there is a link to the film uploaded on You Tube with English subtitles.
Working Group to Fight Violence Among and Against Children
Sofia, 22 March 2016
The Parliamentarian Commission for interaction with NGOs and citizens initiated and held on 22 March 2016 a round table in the Narioanl Assembly on violence and aggression among and against children. The event was organized in cooperation with the National Network for Children, whose member is the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA), and gathered members of Parliament, representatives of state institutions and NGOs. The deputy minister of Justice Virginia Micheva and the National ombudsman Maya Manolova also participated in the meeting.
Web platform LOVEGUIDE launched
Sofia, March 11 2016The Loveguide online platform was created based on the idea of Nikoleta Popkostadinova – one of the five finalists of the first Reach for change edition back in 2014. This is the place where young people can receive reliable information on love, sex and intimate relationships. The small but enthusiastic team of the platform is trying in a most comprehensive clear and positive way to present trustworthy information young people would be interested to know about sex and intimacy.
Safer Internet for children
Sofia, February 9 2016
On Feb 9th the world celebrates for the 13th time the International Safe Internet Day. Starting as an initiative of the European Union, it has now spread far beyond it and in 2015 was celebrated in 110 countries on all continents. On the Safe Internet Day the Bulgarian Center initiated 3 campaigns aimed towards children, teenagers and parents: #oblechisebe (#putclotheson): Campaign, elaborated together with a group of adolescents and targeting sexualized behavior in Internet and the resulting models of online gender-based violence. The campaign is implemented with the financial support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Program Cyberscout 2016: For a second consecutive year there will be educational sessions for cyberscouts in 6 more regions which will be competing for the best and most interesting activity. Parent education program: A handbook for parents is elaborated and trainings for parents will be implemented to acquaint them with the risks children face online and the ways of dealing with them.
European Cervical cancer prevention week 2016
Sofia, January 24-30 2016
This year as well BFPA joins the European Cervical cancer prevention week (CCPW) from January 24 to 30th. The campaign aims to inform women that with a timely screening up to 80% of the cases of cervical cancer can be prevented. 60 000 women develop cervical cancer every year in Europe, half of them die from the disease. In Bulgaria the mortality rate is one woman per day. Since in Bulgaria there is a national screening program and a free vaccination for 12-year old girls, the focus of the European Cervical cancer prevention week is to disseminate information to the widest possible female audience and stress the importance of prophylactic check-ups. The symbol of the campaign is the Pearl of wisdom brooch – the wisdom to take timely measures against such a dangerous disease. The responsibility to one’s health should be throughout the year, during this week it’s just a reminder – the PAP smear can save lives.
BFPA support for the volunteers from the ARETE youth foundation
December 1 2015 For December 1st – the World AIDS day -, volunteers from the “Arete” youth foundation made a tour around the populated areas of Drenovetz, Nikola Kozlevo, Svishtov, Lom, Vulchedrum and Kyustendil. At some of the schools there they gave presentations and posters, elaborated by them and handed out informational materials. A group of young people was giving away symbolical ribbons, also brochures and condoms at the centre of Svishtov and around the university campus.
Test, treat, prevent
Sofia, November 22-27 2015
For a third year the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) was one of the first organizations to join the European HIV testing week, and this year the focus besides on HIV was also on Hepatitis B and C. 417 international institutions working in the field of prevention of HIV prevalence participated in the Testing week, among which 7 from Bulgaria. At BFPA's VCT centre and in outreach locations 34 people were tested and a total of 33 HIV tests, 13 Hepatitis B tests and 6 Hepatitis C tests were conducted. Besides being from different age groups (from 19 to 52 yrs), the tested were representatives of different social groups as well. The focus of the European Testing week is not only on testing but also on prevention, and for that the initiative has the support of 30 international organizations - world and pan-european.
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