Health and sexuality education for young people against early marriages, gender stereotypes and abuse
Sofia, October 1-2 2016
On October 1st and 2nd young representatives of 7 NGOs from all over Bulgaria participated in a seminar organized by the Bulgarian Fund for Women (BFW) with the support of TELUS and BFPA's Executive Director Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova as a trainer. The main topics that were presented and discussed during the two days were: sexual and reproductive health and rights, health and sexuality education, contraception, gender, prevention of trafficking of human beings, prevention of early school dropouts and early marriages. This is also the beginning of a collaboration between BFW and BFPA in a campaign of the Fund, the seven participating NGOs and their Youth Equality Clubs. The campaign is about prevention of early marriages and early school dropouts and is yet to gain popularity.
NNHM: Change goes inside out
Bankya, August 19-21 2016 A three day strategic planning event was held by the National Network of Health Mediators Association in Bankya from Aug 19 to Aug 21 in order to improve its efficiency. Members of the NNHM Board, supporters, partners and Network experts, as well as 15 health mediators, selected at five local preparatory meetings and representing different regions, took part in the session. Moderator of the meeting was Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova – Executive Director of BFPA, member of NNHM and health mediator trainer, who has experience on a national and international level in moderating strategic planning processes.
Journalists in school
Bulgaria, June 6 – 11 2016
On June 6th kicked off the “Journalists in school” initiative, which is a part of the activities of the “Valya Krushkina” Fund – at the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation (WCIF). BFPA has actively supported the Fund since its establishing in 2012. Students from 16 schools in 13 Bulgarian cities will meet face to face with famous Bulgarian journalists who are connected with the “Valya Krushkina – journalism for the people” award – award winners, jury members and members of the “Valya Krushkina Fund” Public Council. “Journalists in school” is a meeting, at which the students ask and the journalists answer. “What is it like being a journalist in Bulgaria”? “Who warrants the objectivity of our media”? “How does one become a journalist?”” “What is investigative journalism?” and a lot more questions that are of interest for the adolescents.
Reverse your vision!
Sofia, June 3 2016
From the 3rd to the 17th of June in the Kristal Garden in Sofia you can see a special exhibition – “REVERSE YOUR VISION”. It’s dedicated to the Scholarship programme for Roma medical students which for a ninth year is giving the chance to young educated and highly motivated Roma young people to develop further their knowledge and professional experience in the field of healthcare. The camera flips the images upside down, the same is with the human eye and our brain turns them around and puts them “right side up”. Prejudice is in our heads and they change the way we perceive the world. Are we ready to reverse our concepts in order to “see people as they really are”?
Improving the Organizational Policies of BFPA on Child Protection
 Sofia, April 25-26, 2016
Educational training for supported by OAK Foundation organizations on Developing and Improving Organizational Policies and Procedures for Internal Protection of the Child took place at 25 and 26 April 2016 in Sofia. The participants worked in groups for за improving organizational standards for child protection so that to guarantee the safety of children they work with directly and indirectly. The purpose of the workshop was to improve the knowledge and understanding on child abuse and the requirements for internal protection.
Report card 2016: What is the average grade of the government for child related policies? graded the institutions 3.28
Sofia, April 20 2016
For a fifth consecutive year the National Network for Children presented its annual report “Report card 2016: What is the average grade of the government for child related policies?”. After presenting it to the institutions on April 15th, at a meeting of the Advisory Board of the State Child Protection Agency (SCPA), on April 20th at the “Peroto” club, the Report card was presented to partners, media and the public. For the first time it was presented simultaneously in 8 regions of Bulgaria. The document aims to review the progress of the implementation of over 20 engagements towards children that the government has undertaken. The Report card evaluates five of them: General principles of the Declaration of the rights of the Child; Family and alternative care; Healthcare; Education and Justice, plus one additional - child and youth participation. The NNC report comes in two versions – popular – for the public, including children, and expert – meant for specialists and institutions.
Despite! - Tenth edition of ForumKEY
Sofia, April 9 2016
On April 9, 2016 the stage of the Independent Theatre was the place where the 10th edition of ForumKEY happened. The eight event lectors explained with a lot of vigor and passion how a person can make good ideas come to life against all odds - public limitations, prejudice and lack of governmental support. Each presentation was memorable in its own way, and what happened during the breaks was no less interesting. A person can be successful and happy and do good despite any obstacle. In the last few years the forum gained popularity among a wide circle of people within and without the NGO sector and is known as the Bulgarian equivalent of the TED conferences. The organizers of “Key”, though, point out the difference that their presentations are based entirely on examples from Bulgaria.
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