Sofia, January 24-30 2016
This year as well BFPA joins the European Cervical cancer prevention week (CCPW) from January 24 to 30th.
The campaign aims to inform women that with a timely screening up to 80% of the cases of cervical cancer can be prevented. 60 000 women develop cervical cancer every year in Europe, half of them die from the disease. In Bulgaria the mortality rate is one woman per day. Since in Bulgaria there is a national screening program and a free vaccination for 12-year old girls, the focus of the European Cervical cancer prevention week is to disseminate information to the widest possible female audience and stress the importance of prophylactic check-ups. The symbol of the campaign is the Pearl of wisdom brooch – the wisdom to take timely measures against such a dangerous disease. The responsibility to one’s health should be throughout the year, during this week it’s just a reminder – the PAP smear can save lives.