Pamporovo, August 28-30, 2020
Annual Meeting and General Assembly of the National Network for Children (NNC) took place on August 28-30, 2020 in Pamporovo. Ralitsa Zgalevska, Assoc.Prof. Boryana Parashkevova and the young volunteer Maria Simeonova form Stara Zagora represented BFPA at the meeting. In the frame of the thematic working group ‘Education’ Ralitza Zgalevska presented ‘ToT for peer education’ in the field of health and sexuality education as a successful model and good practice for working with young people.
‘One of the most harmful and dangerous thoughts is: “everyone does like that’, young people quoted Tolstoy during the one of the topic panels, after that appealed: ‘Let us be brave enough to try to change things which we do not like!’
The biggest coalition of organizations working in children and families benefit conducted its Annual meeting for 15th time in a row with participation of 150 supporters, civic activists and organizations, public figures, representatives of institutions and experts from the country who dedicated their work to care for children in the area of healthcare, education, legislation and social services.
The agenda of the event was saturated and dynamic and included trainings, discussions, working groups. Children from the youth network Megaphone actively expressed their opinion in discussions on different topics.
Actually NNC has 136 organizations-members.
Specialists with different expertise discussed and gave their guidelines for Vision to support the child and the family during ‘World Café’ discussion format.
The members of NNC voted to a change in their Statutes, which gives a right for individual membership in the organization. Novelty is also the creation of a Network for legal aid, via which lawyers around the country will be networking to support strategically affected children’s and families rights and interests.
New Board was chosen during the General Assembly: Antoaneta Ivanova from ‘Spina Bifida and Hydrocepfalus’ Association; Gergana Efremova from ‘Together in Class’ Foundation; Nikolay Nikolov from ‘The Faithfull Guardian’ Association, Burgas; Nikoleta Gabrovska from ‘Single Step’ Foundation, Sofia; Rositsa Sredkova from ‘Initiative for Development’ Association, Kardjali, Tsvetelina Kasljovska from School board of ‘Hristo Botev’ primary school, Tarnava and Rositsa Bogalinska-Petrova from ‘Foundation for Children in Risk around the World’, who is the new Chairwoman of the Board.