Bulgaria, March-May 2020
Over 200 responsible and devoted health mediators are among the people of the Roma quarters and neighbourhoods daily. They inform, explain, convince, reassure, disinfect, deliver school materials to the children with no access to online education and do everything possible for people to pass through the “coronavirus challenge”. In the first lines but unprotected due to lack or shortage of personal protection equipment, they are in danger and at risk to their own or others’ health. In lots of locations the mediators are the only source of information and help and they are fighting against the lack of running water, food, disinfectants and are on the front line every day.
The National Network of Health Mediators (NNHM) has set itself the task of providing every mediator the full PPE kit as well as essential supplies for the most vulnerable families they work with. A fundraising campaign was announced. The funds will be used for purchasing safety and medical face masks, safety glasses, anti-bacterial soap and hand and surface disinfectants for the most vulnerable families.
BFPA actively supports NNHM in the fundraising process – of finances, as well as of sanitizing equipment and products for the most vulnerable.
The campaign continues. We are convinced that with your support we will succeed!
Stay healthy!
Donate via this link
Or this bank account – Bulgarian Post Bank
IBAN: BG88BPBI79401064780501