Sofia, November 20, 2019
The National forum called “With eyes open for all” was under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Boyko Borissov and its theme was social inclusion and empowerment of children with disabilities. The participants were young people with disabilities who, through their personal stories, revealed the huge potential they have, which often remains untapped because of the lack of clarity on behalf of teachers and employers for the necessary individual approach to each of the young people. Different disabilities often have easy solutions for facilitation of the working conditions with and for the people, but these solutions in most cases remain only theoretical because of lack of understanding of the problem.
“Dear parents, the strength is within the children themselves. Do not push them forward. They have the energy, you just need to support them along their way”, shared with the audience Kalinka Asenova, visually impaired since 10 years old, guide dog trainer.
The Youth event “Voice It” for a consecutive year gathered students, representatives of state institutions and NGOs who discussed together the price of education, the essence of the school curriculum, relationships and challenges at school. “You have to be aware of your rights and defend them. Ask and demand an answer. Everyone can write to the ombudsman, even through their phone”, addressed the attendees the Ombudsman of Republic of Bulgaria Diana Kovacheva. “Parents, besides asking your children how their day was at school, ask them if they are happy.”
The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association participated in both events. At our stand during the ideas fair we presented our materials which attracted the attention of young people, teachers and representatives of governmental institutions.
The Child Rights Convention puts in the focus of attention the child and its best interest when elaborating and implementing policies and activities towards children by building on the understanding that the children are human beings and their rights are human rights. For the time of its existence the understanding of and towards children has gradually changed and they are perceived as a vulnerable society group with specific rights and needs.