Sofia, May 18 2017
‘The percentage of births with malformations among women without health insurance is much higher’, shared prof. Ivaylo Turnev from National Network of Health Mediators, who presented the ‘Healthcare’ section from this year’s issue of ‘Report Card: What is the average government score in childcare?’of National Network for Children (NNC). As a whole the sections ‘Healthcare (3.64) and ‘Education’(3.44) have made some progress compared to the previous years. Building of comprehensive services children hospital and enlarging the scope of screening research programmes for newborn are among the priorities still to be implemented.
Besides Sofia, the Report Card was promoted at 18 May 2017 in Varna, Silistra, Ruse, Vratza, Kjustendil, Plovdiv, Kardjali and Burgas. The Ombudsman Maya Manolova participated at the event in Sofia and supported in her speech the efforts of NGOs working for the benefit of children in Bulgaria.
Traditionally the Report Card makes review and evaluation of the commitments of state institutions in five main areas – General principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; Family environment and alternative care; Health care; Education and Justice. The current issue includes also a new approach for working with children, young people and professionals, presenting results from working in focus groups with almost 900 participants.
The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association is an active member and partner of NNC.