Rome, 8-9 Ooctober 2015
"EU funded actions: rules, laws and best practices in the field of fraud prevention” this is the title of the conference, organized by our partner in three european projects in the field of health prevention - the Italian Associasione ISES, in which BFPA ED DR. Stamenkova took part. Our colleagues Carmine Falanga and Dolores Forgione, with whom we have worked on preventing the prevalence of HIV, Hepatitis B and C and HPV, share their work experience with different European experts from different government instituitions, auditing firms and NGO partners in another field of prevention - fraud, conflict of interests, corruption, embezzlement and many more important topics, related to the work of OLAF - the European Anti-Fraud Office.
Bulgaria, as Italy, have yet a long way to go. The Danish representative form Roskilde University shares: "Well, we don't have fraud cases, actually" - maybe it's a matter of mentality? Or actual abiding of the rules? There were a lot of valuable things, here's a quote of one of them: "If a EU country has a high rate of fraud detection in comparison to previous years, that does not mean that the country is taking a turn for the worse - on the contrary, it means that the mechanisms are functioning. Just as well - if a country has a low fraud detection rate, that does not mean it is doing well, it may mean exactly the opposite." And, in conclusion - "The EU has to understand that it audits the technical implementation of a reported project – being in compliance with technical requirements does not equal proper and real overall implementation, the EU has to look beyond the technical side - infact, the biggest fraudster's documentation is perfect." Hopefully, that is the direction we are heading in!