Veliko Turnovo, June 18-21 2015
From 18th to 21st June in Veliko Turnovo the National Network for Children (NNC) held its Annual Meeting and General Assembly. It was a dynamic, multi-layer event, which gave a chance to its over 200 participants to express themselves, to share, to learn, to establish partnerships.
During the first two days BFPA was represented at the event by Ralitza Zgalevska who took part in the thematic working group “Child and youth participation”. The definition of CYP was established within the working group and sub-groups were formed to work on the determined priority activities. The aim of the working group is to achieve a shared understanding of CYP among the members of the Network, to elaborate a model of cooperation between the children and youth on one hand, and the NNC on the other, as well as changing the attitude of the general public towards child and youth participation.
The last two days BFPA was represented by Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova, Еxecutive Director of BFPA and Member of the management Board of NNC who took part in the “Healthcare” thematic working group and in the General Assembly of the organization and at the last day of the meeting, together with Stanislav Dodov from NNC co-hosted a seminar on the Six Principles of child-rights based elaboration and implementation of programs and projects.
As a network of more than 120 NGOs the NNC officially appealed to the Bulgarian government and the political parties all policies and legislative advancements to be child right -based.
The participants were unanimous about the recommendations to Bulgarian and European institutions, responsible for child policies – you can find the full text of the address here (in BG):