Experts discussed the consequences of unsupervised pregnancies in our country
 Sofia, May 16, 2022
On May 13, 2022, an inter-institutional work meeting was held on "Unsupervised Pregnancy - Problems and Opportunities" with host and moderator Dr. Anton Tonev, Chairman of the Health Committee in the 47th National Parliament. The Ministry of Health was represented by Nevena Tsankova, Deputy Minister of Health and Dr. Tanya Andreeva, pediatrician and advisor to the Minister of Health. The meeting is another step in the advocacy campaign "Every baby is priceless", which aims to ensure adequate follow-up of all pregnant women in Bulgaria, regardless of their health insurance status. The National Network of Health Mediators managed the communication component of this campaign and was represented by the Chair, Board members and health mediators. In the first part of the meeting, the analysis "The Price of Indifference" prepared by the sociologist Venelin Stoychev was presented, which addresses the economic consequences of the lack of follow-up of pregnancy. Lawyer Maria Sharkova reviewed the legal framework of the problem, and then the opinions of medical specialists and experts in institutions and non-governmental organizations were presented and commented on. At the end of the discussion, specific actions were outlined to overcome the negative health trends in the field of maternal and child health related to unsupervised pregnancies.
The National Network for Children presented Report Card 2022
Sofia, April 28, 2022
The National Network for Children (NNC) presented its eleventh annual report "Report Card 2022: What is the average success of the state in child care?" on April 28, 2022, from 10.30 am simultaneously in Sofia and 5 cities in the country - Ruse, Varna, Silistra, Plovdiv and Yambol. In Sofia, the presentation was in the hall of the Alma Alter Theater-Laboratory, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". The presentation was attended by authors and experts from the National Network for Children, children from the Youth Network "Megaphone", representatives of institutions, government agencies and commissions, MPs, representatives of UNICEF for Bulgaria. The event was broadcast live on the NNC Facebook page The Report Card is the only independent report of its kind that assesses the progress of public policies for children through fact-based analysis in 9 areas: Child Participation, Child Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Protection from All Forms of Violence, Child Justice, Early Childhood Development, Child Health, Education, Sport, Culture and Leisure. It also includes specific recommendations for the future work of the state and institutions.
The State Agency for Child Protection presented its annual "Ambassador of Good" awards
Sofia, March 17, 2022
For a third consecutive year, the State Agency for Child Protection (SACP) presented its annual "Ambassador of Good" awards. After a very difficult choice and dozens of stories submitted to the SACP, the seventeen ambassadors of good for 2021 were identified. They are all people and organizations that have done good and helped a child/children in need, extended a hand and even risked their own lives to make a child and his family believe that goodness exists again. It is a great honor for BFPA that the Executive Director of the Association, Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova, is among the 17 winners. The prize - Crystal Heart - was presented to her by Associate Professor Mihail Okoliyski from the Bulgarian WHO office.
Discussion "Unsupervised pregnancy - problems and possible solutions"
Sofia, February 23, 2022
The “Every Baby is priceless” campaign advocates for babies' right to prenatal care and ensuring equal access to pregnancy follow-up examinations for all women On February 23, 2022, doctors, health mediators and representatives of civil society organizations joined an online discussion on the problem of lack of access to medical follow-up of pregnancy, affecting about 7,000 women and their babies each year - every tenth woman has given birth without having undergone any medical check or examination. The We Care project aims to improve the well-being of children through a holistic approach, including advocacy in health, nutrition, early learning and responsive parenting, safe and a safe family environment and access to medicine. The work on the Every Baby is prceless campaign was presented by Dilyana Dilkova from the National Network of Health Mediators. Along with the data from the report "The Price of Indifference", she spoke about the civic initiative to raise public support for changes in Ordinance 26 of the Ministry of Health. The petition „Every baby is priceless“, accompanied by opinions of professional medical organizations, medical professionals and NGOs will be submitted to the Ministry of Health in March 2022. The subscription advocates equal access to prevention during pregnancy for all women. A short animated video synthesizes the highlights of the campaign.
NNHM is a partner of the Ministry of Health in a new project "Healthcare for All", focusing on vulnerable communities
 Sofia, January 14, 2022
The Ministry of Health (MoH) in partnership with the National Network of Health Mediators (NNHM) is implementing a predefined project BGLD-1.006-0001 "Healthcare for All" within the Program "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", supported by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. The expert team of BFPA has helped and supported the initiative since its preliminary phase and will continue to work actively for its implementation. The project budget is 1,109,718 Euro and the implementation period from 01.11 .2021 to 30.04.2024 The main goal of the project is to improve communication, resources and coordination in the implementation of health policies at local level for marginalized communities by optimizing the health mediation system. Here are the main activities: • Improving the mechanism for implementation of national health policies at the local level. • Building a model for working in crisis situations such as Covid-19 in relation to socially excluded and isolated communities. • Improving the system for adequate dissemination of health information. • Building service models and approaches to address existing deficits. • Expanding the activities of health mediators to hospitals, emergency services and other health structures.
The tenth anniversary edition of the "Valya Krushkina - journalism for the people" awards presented the prizes to the winners
Sofia, December 16, 2021
On December 16, 2021 live on the social network Facebook from the page of the Workshp for Civic Initiatives (WCIF) everyone could watch the award ceremony "Valya Krushkina - Journalism for People", part of the Valya Krushkina Fund. The tenth anniversary edition of the awards announced the winners in the 4 categories, as well as the winner of the Grand Prize. All winners received the symbol prize of the competition - transparent glass statuette in the shape of a pear, as colleagues and friends called Valya, who left us after a serious illness. The danger of spreading the coronavirus forced the organizers for the second year in a row to cancel the official ceremony, which traditionally awards outstanding journalists. This year, however, unlike the previous one, the winners in the individual categories received their awards in person, and the award ceremony itself was pre-filmed and edited in a video. The awards were provided with the support of Beauty Lab. Jury consisting of Vladimir Yonchev - OFF News, Maria Cherneva - BNT, Nikolina Dimitrova - Bulgaria ON AIR, Petyo Tsekov - Sega newspaper, Prolet Velkova - Darik Radio, Rosen Tsvetkov - bTV, Silvia Velikova - BNR, Stoyana Georgieva - Mediapool, determined the top three in the four categories of the competition and also the Grand Prize, among 130 materials by 66 journalists: