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Events :: HIV

BPID organizes Informational Days on Sustainable Development throughout the country in June-August 2018

SDG logoSofia, July 12, 2018

The Bulgarian Platform for International Development of which BFPA is an active founding member and coordinating organization, hosts Informational Days in all 28 regional centers in Bulgaria. Each meeting is part of the activities under the “Civil Dialogue for Development” project. It is implemented by BPID with the financial support of the European Commission and aims to contribute to increasing information and engagement in regard of implementing UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the role of the EU in this process as well as about Bulgarian commitment. The focus of the informational activities is on implementation of   the commitments by the Bulgarian government specifically for Goal 3 – Good Health, Goal 4 – Quality Education, Goal 5 – Gender Equality and Goal 16 – Peace and Prosperity.


BFPA’s participation in the European HIV and Hepatitis testing week

ETW LogoSofia, November 17–24, 2017

In the period between November 17 and 24 BFPA was one of the 15 Bulgarian organizations who took part in the European HIV and Hepatitis testing week. The campaign was held for a fifth consecutive year, BFPA being part of it from the very beginning, as for the last three years Hepatitis B and C testing is included in the testing options. The aim is to increase the number of informed individuals about the dangers of infection as well as encourage them to find out their HIV and Hepatitis status. The campaign is pan-European, 679 organizations from the whole of Europe and Israel signed up for participation, as a certain part of them are multinational. The organizations from Bulgaria, who took place in the campaign, focus on prevention of HIV infection, prevention of prevalence of Hepatitis B and C and also organizations who focus on prevention of STI as a whole.


Fourth European testing week for HIV and Hepatitis

ETW LogoSofia, November 18-25 2016

For a fourth time the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) is one of the leading Bulgarian participants in the European testing week from Nov 18th to the 25th.  For a second time the week includes not only HIV but also Hepatitis testing.  The testing week is taking place in over 50 countries all across Europe, including Bulgaria. Besides BFPA, 10 other Bulgarian organizations have signed up for implementing the activities of the testing week.
The aim of the campaign is not only to help people learn their HIV and Hepatitis B and C status, but also to  inform people to the benefits of regular testing and promote testing itself.


BFPA support for the volunteers from the ARETE youth foundation

ProjectDecember 1 2015

For December 1st – the World AIDS day -, volunteers from the “Arete” youth foundation made a tour around the populated areas of Drenovetz, Nikola Kozlevo, Svishtov, Lom, Vulchedrum and Kyustendil. At some of the schools there they gave presentations and posters, elaborated by them and handed out informational materials.
A group of young people was giving away symbolical ribbons, also brochures and condoms at the centre of Svishtov and around the university campus.

Test, treat, prevent

ETW logoSofia, November 22-27 2015

For a third year the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) was one of the first organizations to join the European HIV testing week, and this year the focus besides on HIV was also on Hepatitis B and C. 417 international institutions working in the field of prevention of HIV prevalence participated in the Testing week, among which 7 from Bulgaria. At BFPA's VCT centre and in outreach locations 34 people were tested and a total of 33 HIV tests, 13 Hepatitis B tests and 6 Hepatitis C tests were conducted. Besides being from different age groups (from 19 to 52 yrs), the tested were representatives of different social groups as well. The focus of the European Testing week is not only on testing but also on prevention, and for that the initiative has the support of 30 international organizations - world and pan-european.



Sofia, July 27 2015 

Prof. R. Argirova - virologist, Tokuda hospital, Sofia 

Хроничните инфекции, причинени от вируса на хепатит В (HBV) и хепатит С (HCV) са широко разпространени в света, при хронифициране причиняват тежко протичащи и продължителни заболявания, често преминаващи във фиброза, цироза, чернодробна недостатъчност и първичен чернодробен карцином с фатален изход  и представляват огромен товар за всички здравни системи. И двете инфекции увреждат силно черния дроб и са най-честата причина за чернодробна трансплантация.
И двата вируса са хепатотропни, предават се по кръвен и полов път, но структурата, репликацията, както и  имунният отговор към двата вируса се различава съществено, а оттам – и естественият  ход на инфекцията с тези вируси  е  различен.
Погледнато от историческа гледна точка, и двете инфекции се третираха доскоро  с терапия, базирана на интерферон-алфа (IFN-alpha). Пегилираните IFNs обаче показват малка ефективност при множество странични действия. През последните няколко години се наблюдава бързо подобрение на лечението, особено на инфекцията с HCV,  при която към пегилираните интерферони се добавиха т.нар. DAAs – direct-acting antivirals. Ясно се очертава тенденция към преминаване към безинтерферонови режими.
Независимо от хепатотропността си, двата вируса се различават по вирусната си структура и стратегия на репликация, което обуславя и различаващо се терапевтично поведение. Ето някои от основните вирусологични различия между тях. HBV е ДНК-съдържащ вирус с непълна двойно-верижна ДНК, а  HCV съдържа РНК.
Жизненият цикъл на HBV (Фиг.1) започва с навлизане на вируса в клетката чрез рецепторен механизъм, следва разсъбличане (вирусът се е освободил от външната си обвивка и се превръща  в нуклеокапсид) и  вирусната ДНК влиза в ядрото на клетката.

Fig. 1

Фиг.1 Схематично представяне на жизнения цикъл на HBV (описанието в текста). Източник: www.medscape.org. cccDNA – матрица за вирусната репликация, персистира дълго време и обяснява хроничното вирусоносителство и възможността за реактивиране на инфекцията. Тя не е директна мишена на антивирусната терапия.











Training sessions for students of the American College in Sofia

I. KoumanovaD. DikovaSofia, December 5 2014

On December 1 and 2, at the American College in Sofia, a team from the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) - Dr. Iva Koumanova - BFPA volunteer, and Daniela Dikova - health manager and consultant, performed a series of six healh training sessions for the ninth graders.
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BFPA survey about positive birth-rate measures

Sofia, December 5, 2022 

The Bulgarian Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health (BFPA) presented the results of a nationally representative survey conducted by KANTAR. The study took place in August 2022, among a sample of 836 people from the adult population and analyzed the measures that would positively affect the birth rate.

You can find the full research here

Final conference on ARIE project: PLHIV and fitness

Sofia, November 11, 2022

On November 11, 2022, the final conference of the ARIE project was held in Sofia. The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Sport program, led by the long-standing Italian partner of BFPA ANLAIDS – Lombardia. The rest of the participating organizations are from Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. The activities are aimed at people living with HIV (PLHIV), the goal of the project is to develop and introduce a fitness program and an activity protocol for people living with HIV. In Bulgaria the project was coordinated by Boyan Mladenov from the BFPA team. Among the participants of the conference were health specialists, professors from medical universities, NGO partners, representatives of the target group. From the Bulgarian side the most outstanding was the presentation of Prof. Radka Argirova “HIV,Covid and Monkeypox - what more we have to know”
The project aims to promote physical activity in the form of personalized guidelines among people between the ages of 18 and 50 who are living with HIV and who are on treatment, offering an innovative fitness protocol to engage them in moderate physical activity.
This is the first project in Europe specifically targeting people living with HIV and fitness to promote a healthy lifestyle and add fitness protocols to HIV therapy.

Presentation of the results of a regional study and recommendations for SRH services in the European Parliament - project "Youth Voices, Youth Choices"

Brussels, October 26, 2022

In the last months of 2022 the partners of the YVYC project, together with experts and young people, developed recommendations for regional policy recommendations for improvement of health and social systems and SRHR services for young people after the Covid 19 pandemic.
The recommendations are targeting decision-makers at international and national institutions.  They were presented in the European Parliament on October 26, 2022 by young advocates and experts, with the support of MEP Fred Matic. Three BFPA representatives - Victoria Nikolova, Venelin Stoychev and Pavlina Filipova participated in the EP meeting.


Events :: HIV