BFPA team in training of trainers in healthy lifestyle project for PLHIV
Timisoara, August 27-28, 2021
 Representatives of seven organizations from six European countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania) gathered for a training of trainers in Timisoara on 27 and 28 August 2021. The training is part of the ARIE project, funded by the Erasmus+ of EU, and project main goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in accordance with EU directives and guidelines, which includes healthy nutrition and physical exercises. The Directives mean that PLHIV must be taught how to perform a set of exercises tailored to their condition, whether they’re on antiretroviral therapy or not. The training in Timisoara covered all aspects - approach, physical condition, psychological attitude, the role of coaches, even first aid for the most typical fitness-related injuries.
BFPA study among young people: what to improve in the provision of health services in a pandemic
 Kyustendil-Pernik-Radomir-Sofia, July-August, 2021
During the period July-August 2021, 42 young people from Kyustendil, Pernik, Radomir and Sofia took part in 6 focus groups in a study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of services and care in the field of sexual and reproductive health (SRH). Different groups of young people, young mothers and pregnant women were involved. Some of the groups were with participants from the Roma community. The aim was to examine the needs, challenges and difficulties faced by young people during the pandemic and to give them the opportunity to propose ideas for improving various health services.
‘My Body, My Rights’: meeting of participants from Yambol, Sofia and Montana
 Simeonovo, Yambol region, August 4-6, 2021
A meeting of the teams, working on our project ‘My Body, My Rights’ took place August 4th and 6th 2021. This time the already traditional meeting was held in the village of Simeonovo and was hosted by the local coordinator Kina Asenova and the colleagues form the Yambol team, working in the villages of Tundja municipality and in “Rayna Khjaginja” district of Yambol. Short review of the activities implemented was made and hard moments by locations, especially during the second and third Covid wave were discussed. The participants from Yambol, Montana, Sofia, working on the project, local partners and institutions as well as the teams of the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) and the National Network of Health Mediators (NNHM) reviewed the needed foreseen activities in order to be more confident in ensuring good results and sustainability. The need for Covid vaccination campaign was underlined.
July 2021: Reviewing the Strategic Plan and Preparing for LAP Informational Campaign
Dolna Banya, 20-23 July, 2021
Two events of main importance for the Learning Action Partnership (LAP) took place in July 2021 in Dolna Banya. In the beginning of the month was reviewed the Strategic Plan for Action of the network in the context of the dynamic changing political environment. The sociologist Asen Blagoev presented actual data on the social map of the country. One of the important recommendations given to LAP is health education and information on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) to be wider and regularly presented subject in school curriculum. Prevention of sexual violence and exploitation is a part of the topics, covered in the health and sexuality education wide topic. Up to the moment the knowledge for improving SRH are without stable financing from structural funds via the national budget. In this sense the efforts on advocacy for enlarging SRH in the curriculum of the middle and upper grade remain important for LAP.
Communication skills, messaging and PR strategy of BFPA
 Dolna Banya, June 28-30, 2021
From June 28 to June 30, 2021 тhe team and the management board of BFPA together with key partners of the organization gathered for a second training under the project "Capacity building for advocacy for SRHR", supported by the EEA Financial Mechanism. Prior to the training, the participants filled out a detailed questionnaire about how they see the organization and its work so far, what are the challenges of the external environment, which audience and which public groups should be introduced to our work. The emphasis in the training program was upon the development of PR and communication strategy of the organization. Participants discussed the challenges for civil society organizations to speak in a language understood by their target audiences. Appropriate messages from BFPA aimed at different audiences were developed in working groups.
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