Working Conference of LAP and Starting the ‘Eyes Peeled’ Campaign
Sofia, April 18, 2022
On April 18, 2022 in Sofia the National conference of the Learning Action Partnership on zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation of children was held. About 70 participants from different organizations from NGO sector, state institutions, UN structures, journalists, public figures, professionals working with children and young people in Sofia and the country joined the event. Representatives of the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA), UNICEF and the International Organization of Migration (IOM) presented the LAP key activities during the years, on the global and local context of the problem sexual violence and exploitation concerning political and regulatory decisions, as well on the conditions in safe zones for the unaccompanied children passing through the country.
Migration: risks and opportunities during labor migration in UK
 Samokov, March 28, 2022
A team from the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) delivered in Samokov an information session on March 28, 2022 in the “HUB-a” coworking space. Among the participants there representatives of the local Roma community, young people form 11 and 12 grade and their teachers, representatives of the Social services and the Municipality. Pavlina Filipova and Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova talked with the gathered about the opportunities and potential dangers when starting a job in the UK. Dobryana Petkova, a professional with long year practice in prevention of trafficking people, shared with the group on some specific marks to recognize the danger of trafficking people for labor and sexual exploitation. The training team was complemented by Villy Angelova form the British Embassy in Sofia and Ralitza Zgalevska from the BFPA team.
Unconditional Love: The Storytellers
Sofia, March 23, 2022
This year we turn 30! Another content by us: the book Unconditional Love. We presented it on March 23, 2022 online. The authors of the stories took part as well as the inspiration of this exciting e experience – the unbelievable Dr Paul Browde, psychiatrist actor and family therapist, and Dr Murray Nossel, psuchologist, Oscar nominee and director of the ‘Narativ Inc’ company. The book is unusual with the fact that the texts present from first person the life stories of grandfathers and grandmothers of the participants in the three-day training on changing the narrative. By evaluation of all the involved the book is highly emotionally influential. During the meeting the participants felt again the way they are connected with one another via the life stories of their ancestors. You can read the stories here
Important knowledge about sexual health on Valentine Day
Sofia, February 14, 2022
We celebrated February 14 - the day of wine and love, with the premiere of the latest animated film of the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) - "Family Planning: Hormonal Contraception". The 7-minute film provides the most important information about the types of hormonal contraception and the mechanism by which it works. Pills, emergency contraception, patches, silicone rings, injectables, hormonal IUDs and implants are presented in an user friendly way. You can watch the video on our YouTube channel. During the whole St. Valentinе’s day in our medical centre at 67 Dondukov Blvd., our doors were open for free and anonymous HIV counseling and testing. We elaborated and implemented this activity in coordination with the Association of Medical Students from Sofia University. This date is always one more special occasion to talk even more about sexual health, which we place in the broad context of health education.
"… and thank you for the fish!"
Sofia, January 31, 2022
When asked "How do you measure the effectiveness of health and sexuality education programs?" we honestly answer that we will know if we have achieved real and complete success when today's teenagers - peer educators and participants in our educational sessions, grow up and become in turn sucessful adults, good parents who approach their own teenagers with understanding and respect. And as BFPA turns 30 this year, we have promised that 2022 will be marked by 30 inspiring products. After three new episodes of the podcast " Of Rights and People", we are pleased to present the project "… and thank you for the fish!" It’s obviously inspired by the third book from the Douglas Adams series “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”. We really wanted to answer the question "What happens to our young volunteers when they grow up and become young adults? How do they progress? Has what we have been doing left a mark on their lives? ”And because social media connects people, regardless of distance and busyness, we keep in touch with many of them.
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