National survey analyzing the measures which would influence postovely the birth-rate
Conducted in August 2022 among 836 bulgarian citizens from different locations
Young people's access to sexual and reproductive health information, education and care during Covid
Report based on research conducted in Radomir, Kyustendil and Sofia under the project "Youth voices, youth choices"
Young people's access to sexual and reproductive health information, education and care during Covid
Report based on research conducted in Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo and North Macedonia under a project by IPPF and MSD
Mapping of the most vulnerable places in 14 project locations
Summarized presentation of the gathered data about the vulnerable communities in the target locations during activities under the project "Mission possible"
The Straldja case
Summarized recommendations and good practices, implemented during activities under the project "mission possible" in one of th project locations - Straldja
Family Planning
Factors influencing reproductive decisions and parenthood attitudes (in BG)

Barometer 2015
Call for Action
The research in 16 EU countries of women's access to modern contraception was presented at the European Parliament in September 2015. The part of the research with focus on Bulgaria was translated with the active participation of BFPA.
Barometer 2013
Focus: Bulgaria
Key conclusions and recommendations
Barometer of Women’s Access to Modern Contraceptive Choice in 10 EU Countries is the name of the survey that was presented in the European Parliament in June 2013. BFPA translated in Bulgarian and published the survey around 26 September - the World Contraception Day.
Family planning, reproductive health and contraception
It is based on a qualitative analysis of behavioural models and cultural norms which influence the access and use of contraception in seven selected countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Armenia, Bosnia and Hertzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedoniq, Serbia, Azerbaidjan and Kazakhstan.
Detailed data was gathered on the models and factors that define the use of family planning methods, reproductive health and contraceptive supply, including information of their availability which helps or hinders contraceptives use. The analysis includes an overview of key documents, legal framework and studies on behavioural and cultural attitudes towards contraceptive use in the region.
Link to a resume of the analysis
Reproductive attitudes and behaviour in Bulgaria
It is a sociological survey, representative for the country, achieved thanks to the efforts of BFPA and UNFPA which include argumentation, organizational activities, searching for funding and supporters so that in Bulgaria there is data and information from which it is visible what the reproductive attitudes and behaviour of Bulgaria's population. Such a survey hasn't been done since 1996 - more than 15 yeras ago. In neighbouring, and also in farther away states that are not EU-members, a number of serious national surveys have been conducted, that present up-to-date and adequate data. Now we have them too, for which we thank prof. Maia Grekova who conducted the research and did the analysis. The field work on a national scale was done by the Alpha Research agency.
Link to a resume of the survey - in BG
HIV and the necessity for treatment of the health-related and social legislature
In 2010 together with the Hope against AIDS Foundation the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) carried out a research among people living with HIV. The research looks into the reasons for stigma and discrimination, for the personal stigma among the people living with HIV, and into some aspects of sexual practices and attitudes.
In accordance with some of the conclusions from this research an analysis was made of the health and social legislation in relation to people living with HIV.