KEEP ME SAFE is a two year (2013–2015) European initiative, coordinated by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and co-financed by European Commission (DJ Justice – Program Daphne III). The main project goal is young people with learning disabilities (YPLD) across Europe to be protected from sexual violation and abuse. As a frame for the activities of the projects IPPF uses two documents: Sexual Rights: Declaration of IPPF ( and UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
12 member associations of IPPF European Region work on the project.The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) is one of them. The aim is to create a partner network and to facilitate the exchange of valuable expertise and best practices experience among partners from Belgium, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands and the UK experienced in working with young people with learning disabilities, to associations in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Latvia, Macedonia, Romania and Spain wishing to establish in their countries good program practice in the area. BFPA works in partnership with Pro Familia - Passau, Germany – an NGO for family planning, health education and counseling.
The project contributes to identify gaps and for preparation of an adequate assessment of the need for improvements in the work of special schools professionals working with YPWLD. It includes interactive training activities for specialists on different levels and structures in the country, working with YPLD and parents of such young people. Part of the initiative is to develop and disseminate a training package with printed materials in three parts respectively for three main target groups:
- Manual for professionals directly working with YPLD and respectively for parents of YPLD;
- A good practices guide that establishes standards at European level;
- A handbook for YPLD.
Handbook for intermediaries Handbook for good practices Handbook for young people with learning disabilities
Researches of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development show that in Europe between 39 and 68 % of girls and between 16 and 30 % of boys with problems in intellectual and / or physical development are victims of various forms of attempted sexual abuse before the age of 18 years. Violence against children with developmental problems occurs 1.7 times more frequently than violence against other children. Nevertheless, these needs of YPLD for health information and education, as well as respecting their rights and protecting form abusive practices are still a need.
Project Keep me Safe / DJ Justice DAPHNE 3 Program / DAPHNE – JUST/2012/DAP/AG/3092 “Keep me Safe”, co-funded by the EC Daphne III Program
Additional activities in 2016