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About us :: Policies :: Non Discrimination and Equal Opportunities Policy

Non Discrimination and Equal Opportunities Policy

The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA)

Non Discrimination and Equal Opportunities Policy

Non Discrimination

1. BFPA in all its history, as member of relevant national and international networks such as IPPF, the National Network for children and the National Platform for International development supports core values, believes in social justice, and understands that a framework of non-discrimination underlies all human rights protection and promotion.
2. The framework of non-discrimination prohibits any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of age; sex; sexual orientation; marital status; race; color; ethnicity; language; religion; political or other opinion; national, geographical or social origin; physical or mental disability; health status, including HIV; and civil, political, social or other status; which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

3. The Association fully accepts the basic principles of sexual rights as one of the Basic Human rights and considers as issue of discrimination and gender inequality the unequal access to cultural, economic, political or social rights such as sexual and reproductive health services, comprehensive health abd sexuality education.
4. The Association rejects any form of sexual violence, abuse or exploitation which impair a person’s enjoyment of rights on an equal footing with others.
5. Equality requires every individual to enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms on an equal basis with others. This may require that particular attention be paid to vulnerable, marginalized and under-served groups.
6. BFPA works for better and equal access for all and to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
7. BFPA believes in social justice and challenges all forms of discrimination especially that based on sex, age, social class, disability, HIV status, sexual orientation, religion, race and ethnicity.
8. BFPA works to support young people, both girls and boys to fulfill their potential and become active members of their societies and recognizes the need to understand better their needs, and to address those needs by directing resources through its program work in order to improve their positions in society.
9. Non-discrimination is an important principle that forms the basis of BFPA strategies. The Association takes as the foundation of our practice the UN Convention on Human Rights and IPPF Declaration on Sexual Rights to work to eliminate gender discrimination in societies at all levels.
10. BFPA strives to provide an environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity can contribute fully and have equal opportunities.

Equal opportunities

1. Goal: to support the achievement of equal opportunities of women and men and ensure access to the SRHR services equally.
2. Ensure women equal participation with men in the working processes of the Association, including governing bodies and senior staff
3. Gender equality is a crosscutting issue and as such must be considered as an integral part of BFPA policies, programs and projects. Addressing gender equality as a crosscutting goal requires that women views, interests and needs shape the Association works as much as men, and that the organization supports progress towards more equal relations between women and men with special emphasis on Young People.
4. Achieving gender equality does not mean that women become the same as men and vice versa. Equality means that ones rights or opportunities do not depend on being male or female
5. Support women and girls and vulnerable groups in the realization of their full human rights via:
• providing training and education to make sure everyone knows their rights and responsibilities
• Identifying marginalized groups of the population and promoting access to services
• regularly monitoring organizational systems for barriers
• promoting non discrimination during the working on all levels of the organization (including: implementing projects   and its activities, promoting services and etc
• Promoting appropriate standards of conduct at all times
• Empower vulnerable groups and improve their capacity and opportunities
6. Achieving equal opportunities requires the recognition that every policy, program and project affects women and men. Supporting men’s health and engaging and involving participation of men and boys is as essential as engaging women and girls.
7. BFPA believes that every individual should enjoy the equal rights and makes contribution to elimination of any kind of discrimination based on the gender roles and power relations attitude towards girls and women. No distinction should be made for opportunities such as division of labor, education access to health care and sociali benefits. No person should be the victim of violence, abuse or exploitation, as per the concept of non discrimination.

Approved by the Management board and the AGM July 2018




Latest news

BFPA survey about positive birth-rate measures

Sofia, December 5, 2022 

The Bulgarian Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health (BFPA) presented the results of a nationally representative survey conducted by KANTAR. The study took place in August 2022, among a sample of 836 people from the adult population and analyzed the measures that would positively affect the birth rate.

You can find the full research here

Final conference on ARIE project: PLHIV and fitness

Sofia, November 11, 2022

On November 11, 2022, the final conference of the ARIE project was held in Sofia. The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Sport program, led by the long-standing Italian partner of BFPA ANLAIDS – Lombardia. The rest of the participating organizations are from Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. The activities are aimed at people living with HIV (PLHIV), the goal of the project is to develop and introduce a fitness program and an activity protocol for people living with HIV. In Bulgaria the project was coordinated by Boyan Mladenov from the BFPA team. Among the participants of the conference were health specialists, professors from medical universities, NGO partners, representatives of the target group. From the Bulgarian side the most outstanding was the presentation of Prof. Radka Argirova “HIV,Covid and Monkeypox - what more we have to know”
The project aims to promote physical activity in the form of personalized guidelines among people between the ages of 18 and 50 who are living with HIV and who are on treatment, offering an innovative fitness protocol to engage them in moderate physical activity.
This is the first project in Europe specifically targeting people living with HIV and fitness to promote a healthy lifestyle and add fitness protocols to HIV therapy.

Presentation of the results of a regional study and recommendations for SRH services in the European Parliament - project "Youth Voices, Youth Choices"

Brussels, October 26, 2022

In the last months of 2022 the partners of the YVYC project, together with experts and young people, developed recommendations for regional policy recommendations for improvement of health and social systems and SRHR services for young people after the Covid 19 pandemic.
The recommendations are targeting decision-makers at international and national institutions.  They were presented in the European Parliament on October 26, 2022 by young advocates and experts, with the support of MEP Fred Matic. Three BFPA representatives - Victoria Nikolova, Venelin Stoychev and Pavlina Filipova participated in the EP meeting.


About us :: Policies :: Non Discrimination and Equal Opportunities Policy