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About us :: Policies :: Policy for avoiding conflicts of interests

Policy for avoiding conflicts of interests

Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA)

Policy for avoiding conflicts of interests 

For members of the Board, staff and consultants of the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA)

The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) is against  the existence of conflicts of interests within and concerning the activities of the Association. The present document is mandatory for all Board members, employees and consultants of the BFPA.

For the purposes of this document:

Connected person is every physical and legal entity, state authority or international organization in regards to which employees, consultants and Board members have a financial connection or are members of governing bodies, directors, employees, experts or other representatives.

Transactions with connected persons are agreements of any character (incl. employment or consultation contracts) which are concluded with connected persons and create a situation of conflict of interests.

Conflict of interests is every interest or intent of employees, consultants and Board members which contradict the interests or intents of the BFPA


The aim of this policy is:

A. to not allow transactions with connected persons unless they are beneficial for  the organization
B. to solve conflicts of interests in accordance with the determined procedure; and
C. to provide information to BFPA about the connections and activities of its Board members, employees and consultants which contradict the interests or purposes of the BFPA.

Basic considerations

1. Every Board member, key staff and long-term consultant is obliged to disclose in full to the BFPA all facts in respect to relations which he/she might have with other non-profit organizations as well as with organizations, institutions or persons which
 i) have similar, competing or other interests which are in conflict with the purposes of the BFPA (incl. competing with BFPA in funding application);
 ii) ensure funding for BFPA;
iii) are relevant to pharmaceutical or other companies which provide contraceptives, medications or equipment to BFPA or
iiii) receive funding from BFPA. The full disclosure of such facts may be limited by existing legal or other preceding confidentiality liabilities for which BFPA is timely informed.

2. Every Board member, key staff and long-term consultant is obliged to provide information for potential transactions or activities from which a conflict of interests may arise or can be defined as transactions with connected persons as well as such which are competing with BFPA’s activities and projects.

3. Every Board member, staff and consultant assumes that they will not use or disclose to third parties secret and confidential information about the BFPA, unless there exists a legal obligation for providing such information. Secrets and confidential information include, but are not limited to, details regarding BFPA’s projects and contracts and all other information concerning confidential data about BFPA’s activities.


1. Each year the BFPA Board member, key staff and long-term consultants shall provide a written declaration about their involvement in non-profit organizations and point out possible cases of conflict of interests. They will update this information as soon as they are aware of existing or potential conflict of interests.

2. The declarations for conflict of interests of the employees and consultants will be reviewed by the Executive Director, and those of the Board members – by the Chairman of the Board who assesses the existence of conflict of interests and takes action for resolving it.

If BFPA assumes the existence of conflict of interests which ought to be resolved, the respective person undertakes the obligation to solve the conflict of interests. The Executive Director and Board may propose ways of avoiding the conflict of interests. In case the conflict of interests is not solved in a satisfactory for BFPA fashion, the organization reserves the right to undertake all legal or other actions for the purpose of removing the conflict of interests.



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BFPA survey about positive birth-rate measures

Sofia, December 5, 2022 

The Bulgarian Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health (BFPA) presented the results of a nationally representative survey conducted by KANTAR. The study took place in August 2022, among a sample of 836 people from the adult population and analyzed the measures that would positively affect the birth rate.

You can find the full research here

Final conference on ARIE project: PLHIV and fitness

Sofia, November 11, 2022

On November 11, 2022, the final conference of the ARIE project was held in Sofia. The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Sport program, led by the long-standing Italian partner of BFPA ANLAIDS – Lombardia. The rest of the participating organizations are from Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. The activities are aimed at people living with HIV (PLHIV), the goal of the project is to develop and introduce a fitness program and an activity protocol for people living with HIV. In Bulgaria the project was coordinated by Boyan Mladenov from the BFPA team. Among the participants of the conference were health specialists, professors from medical universities, NGO partners, representatives of the target group. From the Bulgarian side the most outstanding was the presentation of Prof. Radka Argirova “HIV,Covid and Monkeypox - what more we have to know”
The project aims to promote physical activity in the form of personalized guidelines among people between the ages of 18 and 50 who are living with HIV and who are on treatment, offering an innovative fitness protocol to engage them in moderate physical activity.
This is the first project in Europe specifically targeting people living with HIV and fitness to promote a healthy lifestyle and add fitness protocols to HIV therapy.

Presentation of the results of a regional study and recommendations for SRH services in the European Parliament - project "Youth Voices, Youth Choices"

Brussels, October 26, 2022

In the last months of 2022 the partners of the YVYC project, together with experts and young people, developed recommendations for regional policy recommendations for improvement of health and social systems and SRHR services for young people after the Covid 19 pandemic.
The recommendations are targeting decision-makers at international and national institutions.  They were presented in the European Parliament on October 26, 2022 by young advocates and experts, with the support of MEP Fred Matic. Three BFPA representatives - Victoria Nikolova, Venelin Stoychev and Pavlina Filipova participated in the EP meeting.


About us :: Policies :: Policy for avoiding conflicts of interests